venerdì 27 febbraio 2009


Una lettera giuntami via email, parla dello sterminio delle foche, con centinaia di miglia di cuccioli che vengono barbaramente uccisi per la loro pelliccia bianca e soffice. Un orrore senza fine per queste stupende creature dagli enormi occhioni supplicanti, che accanto alle loro madri, vengono uccise, a volte lasciate ferite a soffrire per poi essere spellate mentre magari sono ancora vive. Un appello, lanciato dall'associazione internazionale "Care2" che io ho immediatamente raccolto e che pubblico in lingua originale:

"Hi Gericus! I'm writing because seals urgently need your help right now. Just weeks from today, Canada's cruel commercial seal kill will begin, with hundreds of thousands of baby seals to be slaughtered for their fur. Just like every year, the seals will be clubbed and shot to death, wonded and left to suffer, and cut open while they are stil alive.
Sign the petition letter to ban the trade in all products derived from the commercial slaughter of seals! Horribly, the killing won't stop with Canada. Other commercial seals slaugthers will open in other parts of the world, with even more seals brutalized for profit. But there is hope on the horizon. This spring, the European Parliament will vote on a historic proposal to ban seals product trade, a ban that could save millions of seals from a horrible fate! Canadians are overwhelmingly opposed to the commercial seals slaughter, and that is why most seal products have to be exported to Europe for sale. The fact is, seals in Canada are dying because Europeans continue to buy their skins. Sign the petition letter.
Europeans hold in their hands the power to save the seals -by ending their trade in seal products. Notably, 425 Members of the European Parliament have already called for such a ban. Now it's your turn! Make your voice count for seals. Please, show your support for an unconditional prohition on seal product trade. Sign this patition today and Humane Society International will make sure your message is carried to the halls of Parliament.
Thank you on behalf of our friends at Humane Society International.
Truly Robin E. Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team.

Indirizzo telematico per la petizione: seals petition care2

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

You are ok man!Stop killing this lovin animals! Katy